Article V Part 2

This course is part 2 of a two-part series on the principles and purpose of Article V of the Constitution.

In this course we will review the founders concerns of a future convention to amend the Constitution and also the modern “interpretation” of this Article created by decades of congressional studies.

Course Video Lessons

  1. Introduction-The Challenges
  2. More Challenges.
  3. Who Should be the Delegates
  4. Politicians Should Not Be Delegates
  5. The Modern Thinking Congress
  6. The Presidents Role

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Article V Part 1

In this class we will launch our study into the principles and application of Article V of the U.S. Constitution.

Course Video Lessons

1. Introduction
2. The Peaceful Way
3. Amending
4. Ratification, Check and Balance
5. The States
6. Congress
7. Exclusions

Entire workbook for this course is available in Article 5, Part 2


Intro to the Judiciary

The Judicial Branch is one third of the Federal government. The federal government is defined and delegated its enumerated powers by the states through the Constitution, in Article III.

The Judiciary as a part of the federal government has no authority to expand the power of the federal government. The expansion of the federal government is authorized only through Article Five of the Constitution and requires the consent of ¾ of the states.

Course Video Lessons

  1. Introduction
  2. Limits of the Judiciary
  3. Duty of the Judiciary
  4. Limited by the Constituion
  5. Guardians of Limited Government
  6. Lifetime Appointements
  7. Judicial’s Check and Balance

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Unconstitutional Powers

By KrisAnne Hall, JD

When Americans ask questions like “Can the president do…?” “Can the House, Senate, or Supreme Court do…?” the first sources that must be consulted are the Constitution and the people who drafted it. If the Constitution provides no authority for the activity, then the power does not Constitutionally reside in the hands the federal government. So more to the root of the question being asked, “Does the Constitution enumerate a power to the President to declare a state of emergency?

1. Course Preview

2. Class 1: Introduction: Asking the Proper Questions

3. Class 2: Where Does the Power Exist

4. Class 3: What Does the Constitution Say

5. Class 4: Can the Congress Constituionally Delegate their Power?

6. Class 5: Article 4 section 4 & Presidential Power

7. Class 6: Article 4 section 4 part 2

8. Class 7:Conclusion

The Electoral College

The American people don’t vote for a president in November. They actually vote to guide people whose names they will probably never know, who then elect a president in December. Discover why America’s founding generation designed this process. Find out what and who it was designed to protect.

Course Video Lessons

  1. Purpose of Electoral College
  2. Popular Vote Objection
  3. Educate Your Fellow Americans

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Intro to the Executive: President v. King

Do you know we have hundreds of unauthorized agencies operating through the executive branch?  Did you know that most of the things that presidential candidates promise to do and most of the things Americans expect the president to do are not even authorized powers of the executive in the Constitution?

Let’s begin to remedy a bloated federal government by understanding the limits placed upon the executive branch in the Constitution and WHY those limits are essential to preserving liberty.

Course – Video Lessons

  1. Introduction
  2. Creation of the Executive Branch
  3. Presidentless King
  4. Nature Born Citizen
  5. Age Requirement
  6. Oath and Office
  7. Powers of the President

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The Power of the Purse

Do you believe that the federal government is bloated and out of control?  Do you believe that trillions of dollars of federal debt is immoral and ought to be illegal?  Our Power of the Purse course will teach you the mechanisms the framers intended to LIMIT federal spending.  You will know WHO is in control of the budget and WHY that control must never be relinquished.

This course will embolden you to demand constitutional and principled solutions from your legislators and set America back on the course of liberty and prosperity.

Course Video Lessons

  1. How the Budgetary Process is Supposed to Work
  2. How the Budgetary Process Works Today
  3. Holding Congress Accountable

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